Last updated: July 3, 2023


Greenhouse gases

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
CO2 emissions Scope 1 (direct emissions) Domestic consolidated*1 Total tCO2 94,821 91,896 91,062
Overseas consolidated*2 387 401 454
Group consolidated (including overseas) 95,207 92,297 91,516
Scope 2 (indirect emissions)*3 Domestic consolidated*1 Total 35,851 33,145 31,584
Overseas consolidated*2 7,180 6,148 4,934
Group consolidated (including overseas) 43,031 39,293 36,518
Scope 3 Category 1 (purchased goods and services)*4 Domestic consolidated*1 Total 206,242 204,763 249,436
Scope 3 Category 2 (capital goods) 11,641 6,902 6,898
Scope 3 Category 3 (fuel- and energy-related activities) 5,446 5,097 5,219
Scope 3 Category 4 (upstream transportation and distribution) 23,588 19,931 21,275
Scope 3 Category 5 (waste generated in operations) 19,557 5,229 4,782
Scope 3 Category 6 (business travel) 724 905 1,195
Scope 3 Category 7 (employee commuting) 714 612 603
Scope 3 total*11 267,912 243,438 289,408
Scope 1 + Scope 2 + Scope 3 total 398,584 368,479 412,054


Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Energy consumption Scope 1 (direct emissions) Domestic consolidated*1 Total TJ 1,371 1,333 1,329
Scope 2 (indirect emissions) 796 745 763
Scope 1 + Scope 2 total 2,167 2,078 2,091

Industrial waste

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Amount of industrial waste Discharge Amount Domestic consolidated*1 Total t 9,431 9,055 8,743
Recycling Amount 4,708 5,061 5,192
Disposal Amount 4,723 3,994 3,551

Plant water intake

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Tap water Domestic consolidated*5 Total 1,000 m3 51 50 52
Groundwater 20,146 19,979 20,689
Industrial water 318 335 305

Plant wastewater

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Sewerage Domestic consolidated*5 Total 1,000 m3 35 37 39
Freshwater areas (lakes, rivers, etc.) 13,005 13,432 13,286
Seawater areas 2,749 2,459 2,292

Environmental management

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Violations of environmental laws and regulations Number of violations Group consolidated (including overseas) Total violation(s) 0 0 0
Amount of fines 1,000 yen 0 0 0


Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of ISO 14001-certified companies Domestic consolidated*1 Total companies 5 5 5
Number of domestic consolidated subsidiaries 21 18 18
Ratio of ISO 14001-certified companies Overall 24% 28% 28%



Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of employees Group consolidated (including overseas) Women person(s) 2,407 2,454 2,300
Men 3,276 3,217 3,132
Total 5,683 5,671 5,432
Percentage of female employees Group consolidated (including overseas) Women 42% 43% 42%
  Percentage of full-time female employees 36% 36% 36%
Employees by age
10-19 Domestic consolidated*1 Total person(s) 58 41 26
20-29 1,048 1,052 1,031
30-39 971 903 856
40-49 1,140 1,091 1,024
50-59 720 743 807
60+ 191 181 178
Number of new hires Including the number of mid-career employees Group consolidated (including overseas) Women person(s) 131 98 91
Men 174 148 168
Total 305 246 259
Ratio of mid-career hires to the total number of new hires Group consolidated (including overseas) Women 13% 29% 37%
Men 33% 33% 49%
Overall 25% 31% 45%
Percentage of women among new hires Women 43% 40% 35%
Number of retired employees rehired
Domestic consolidated*1 Total person(s) 37 66 47
Number of employees taking nursing care leave 1 1 1
Voluntary resignation rate*12 Group consolidated (including overseas) Overall 6.6% 7.4% 5.8%
 Voluntary resignation rate for full-time employees*12 6.2% 5.4% 5.5%
No. of managers Domestic consolidated*1 Women person(s) 4 5 6
Overseas consolidated*2 10 10 9
Group consolidated (including overseas) 14 15 15
Domestic consolidated*1 Men 531 553 538
Overseas consolidated*2 21 20 21
Group consolidated (including overseas) 552 573 559
Domestic consolidated*1 Total 535 558 544
Overseas consolidated*2 31 30 30
Group consolidated (including overseas) 566 588 574
Percentage of women in managerial positions Domestic consolidated*1 Women 0.7% 0.9% 1.1%
Overseas consolidated*2 32% 33% 30%
Group consolidated (including overseas) 2.5% 2.6% 2.6%
Number of employees taking childcare leave Including taking leave for childcare purposes Domestic consolidated*1 Women person(s) 43 55 42
Men 17 15 22
Total 60 70 64
Number of foreign employees Domestic consolidated*1 Total person(s) 20 7 13

Improvement of the working environment*6

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of vocational accidents resulting in lost work time Group consolidated (including overseas) Total accident(s) 5 4 1
Number of fatalities due to occupational accidents person(s) 0 0 0
Number of fatalities due to occupational accidents(cooperating companies*8) person(s) 0 0 0
Frequency rate of occupational accidents resulting in lost work time*9 Overall Frequency 0.6 0.5 0.1
Percentage of employees taking annual paid leave

Domestic consolidated*1 Overall 58% 65% 67%
Percentage of employees taking stress checks

89% 90% 90%
Percentage of employees receiving regular health checks 99% 99% 99%

Human resource development *6, *7

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Annual hours spent on education and training per employee Domestic consolidated*1 Total hour(s) 3 10 10
Annual education and training expenses per employee 1,000 yen 16 31 32

Local communities and society

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of donations Domestic consolidated*1 Total donation(s) 13 28 35
Amount donated 1,000 yen 206,792 207,198 208,094



Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Percentage of employees attending compliance education Domestic consolidated*1 Overall 100 99 100

Information security

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of information security training sessions or tests conducted Domestic consolidated*1 Total training session(s) or test(s) 6 4 4


Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3
Number of ISO 27001 certifications Domestic consolidated*1 Total certification(s) 1 1 1
Number of ISO 14001 certifications 7 7 7
Number of ISO 9001 certifications 14 13 13

Corporate governance

Item Coverage Classification Unit Results
2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 As of July 3, 2023
Number of Directors Internal HD *10 Women person(s) 0 0 0 0
Men 3 3 3 3
Total 3 3 3 3
Independent outside HD *10 Women person(s) 0 2 2 2
Men 2 2 2 3
Total 2 4 4 5
Grand total HD *10 Total person(s) 5 7 7 8
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members Internal HD *10 Women person(s) 0 0 0 0
Men 2 1 1 1
Total 2 1 1 1
Independent outside HD *10 Women person(s) 0 0 0 1
Men 2 2 2 1
Total 2 2 2 2
Grand total HD *10 Total person(s) 4 3 3 3
Number of officers Internal HD *10 Women person(s) 0 0 0 0
Men 5 4 4 4
Total 5 4 4 4
Independent outside HD *10 Women person(s) 0 2 2 3
Men 4 4 4 4
Total 4 6 6 7
Grand total HD *10 Total person(s) 9 10 10 11
Number of Directors and Executive Officers HD *10 Total person(s) 0 0 0 0
Percentage of independent Outside Directors HD *10 Overall % 40 57 57 63
Percentage of independent outside officers 44 60 60 64
Percentage of female Directors 0 29 29 25
Percentage of female officers 0 20 20 27
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors HD *10 Total meeting(s) 16 17 18 -
Number of meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board 14 14 14 -