Ensuring product safety and quality

Initiatives at each business company

The group recognizes that product safety is the minimum quality requirement for users, and we are committed to ensuring product safety and quality assurance.In the Industrial Machinery Business, we conduct design reviews and validity checks for machine safety during the design phase, and confirm compliance with safety and quality standards through shipping inspections. We are also working with customers to customize product specifications using automatic control and safety devices.

Promotion of occupational safety and health, and improvement of working environment

In production facilities, we recognize that safety is the most important issue. In the Industrial Machinery Businesses, risk management such as safety inspections, facility improvement, and work environment improvement is routinely conducted, and we discuss and confirm necessary improvements at Factory Safety and Health Committee meetings. We also provide safety education for employees, and as a result, work-related accidents have been on the decline in recent years (for details, please refer to “Improvement of Working Environment” in the ESG Data). Furthermore, safety and health are important issues not only in production facilities, and we are working on occupational safety at large eastern and western mega-centers in the IT Infrastructure Distribution Business.

Fire-fighting drill at Kanto Central Center, a DIS Group mega-center, as part of occupational safety and disaster prevention activities
Fire-fighting drill at Kanto Central Center, a DIS Group mega-center, as part of occupational safety and disaster prevention activities