Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023

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P.3:Table of contents and editorial policy

P.5:Our history and values we have provided to date

P.7:Message from the President

P.13:Value creation process

P.15:Business model of each business unit

P.17:Sustainability management

P.21:Materiality and KPIs

Medium-Term Management Plan

P.23:Message from the director in charge of corporate strategy

P.25:Medium-Term Management Plan

Value creation drivers

P.27:Message from the director of business administration

P.29:Financial capital strategy

P.31:Strategies on intellectual capital and production assets

P.33:Human capital strategy

P.37:Social capital strategy

P.41:Natural capital strategy

Strategies by business segment

P.45:IT Infrastructure Distribution Business

P.49:Fiber Business

P.51:Industrial Machinery Business


P.53:Roundtable discussion of outside directors

P.57:Corporate governance


P.62:Risk management

P.65:Financial and non-financial highlights

P.67:Board of Directors

P.68:Corporate profile