IT Infrastructure Distribution Business

(million yen)
FY2024 FY2025
1Q 192,592 226,058
2Q 409,237 511,053
3Q 622,276 799,680
FY 894,693

(million yen)
FY2024 FY2025
1Q 4,529 4,358
2Q 11,575 13,170
3Q 17,459 21,477
FY 28,244

We focused on establishing and promoting a sales structure in anticipation of the termination of Windows10 support scheduled for October 2025 and replacement demand for the GIGA School devices that will begin in the fiscal year under review. We also actively engaged in corporate data-center and IT infrastructural projects and worked to propose servers and networking products. Furthermore, we focused on capturing demand by strengthening our proposals for iKAZUCHI, a portal for managing subscriptions, which we are focusing on. The client PC is driving earnings, driven by rising demand, particularly among large corporations. In for corporates, demand increased mainly in the telecommunications and manufacturing industries, and sales also expanded in government agencies by acquiring large-scale IT investment projects. As demand grew and projects increased in size, product supply was stable, and the profit margin declined due to the intensified competitive environment, but the profit amount exceeded the plan.  In the consumer market, sales of PC and monitors to mass retailers were favorable, resulting in a year-on-year increase in sales for the consumer business as a whole.

As a consequence, net sales in this segment were 799.68 billion yen, up 28.5% year on year, and operating income was 21.477 billion yen, up 23.0% year on year.

Industrial Machinery Business

(million yen)
FY2024 FY2025
1Q 2,182 1,786
2Q 6,680 6,329
3Q 8,699 9,121
FY 13,213

(million yen)
FY2024 FY2025
1Q 137 -87
2Q 521 348
3Q 584 532
FY 1,032

In Machine tools division, although we continue to receive orders from some booming industries, such as the shipbuilding and energy industries, we expect full-fledged orders in the mainstay aircraft industry to recover from the second half of 2025. Overseas, orders in the U.S. market, mainly in the aircraft industry, were on a recovery trend, and orders in the Chinese market increased compared with the previous year due to the favorable impact of the weak yen. On the other hand, net sales increased, partly due to the stimulation of demand through the sale of short-term delivery inventory, but profits struggled partly due to the increase in costs. In Automatic Machinery Division, both sales and profits increased, partly because the average unit price of vending machines increased from the previous fiscal year.

As a consequence, net sales in this segment were 9.121 billion yen, up 4.8% year on year, and operating income was 532 million yen, down 8.8% year on year.



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  • The frequency of updates may change in accordance with changes to the format of the financial results reports.

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  • The contents of these data will not immediately reflect corrections to the financial results reports when announced.

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  • Service provided by Nomura Investor Relations Co., Ltd.

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